A second multimeter on the electronics bench! VENLAB VM-200M

A review of the VENLAB VM-200M that I'll now use on my electronics bench to make simultaneous measurements of current and voltage.
Feb 14, 2023 — 1 min read — Reviews

A second multimeter on the electronics bench! VENLAB VM-200M

For most people, one multimeter is good enough, but sometimes, there is the need to make simultaneous measurements of both current and voltage in a circuit and that is impossible with just one meter.

So, when Venlab contacted me about their new line of products and asked if I was willing to review their smallest one, the VM-200M, I said yes so I can have a second multimeter in my arsenal of tools for those special occasions.

So, while comparing it with my old meter, I realized that this meter is more precise, handier and since it is a lot smaller it is also very portable for when I need to make a measurement beyond my desk so I guess I will be using the Venlab VM-200M as main multimeter from now on.

In the video below, you can see me doing an unboxing, and different kinds of measurements with it on the bench.

The full specs are as follows:

  • DC Voltage: 200mV/2V/20V/200V/600V ±(0.5%+5)
  • AC Voltage: 200V/600V ±(1.2%+10)
  • DC Current: 200μA/2mA/20mA/200mA/10A ±(1.2%+2)
  • Resistance: 200Ω/2KΩ/20KΩ/200KΩ/2MΩ/ ±(0.8%+2)
  • hFE Measurement: NPN or PNP, 0-1000
  • Diode: Show forward voltage
  • Continuity:<50Ω,buzz

You can find this meter and the rest of the Venlab products on AliExpress, Amazon as well as other places.

review multimeter test basic electronics
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