Designing a PCB for the first time

My very first try at designing and ordering a custom PCB for a project
Sep 01, 2021 — 2 mins read — Electronics

Designing a PCB for the first time

For a very long time, I wanted to start experimenting with making custom PCBs for my projects but I was intimated by the process. It seemed to me that there was a lot that I didn't know and that was preventing me to even start.

However, with some recent developments and the support that I got from PCBWay, the sponsor of this article and video, I decided to give it a go and at least find out all the things that I did not know.

Since I wanted to make a PCB that will be used in a project, I remembered that I need some custom RGB modules for my stairs lights so I went with that. The modules are circular and that makes the manufacturing a bit tricky but hopefully, if I didn't mess up anything, the modules should be good enough.

The final 3D view for the PCB

The final 3D view for the PCB

Now, I'm not a PCB designer by any means. I probably made a ton of mistakes on the board and I'm not even sure that it will even work. If you happen to be a PCB designer or know more than me, then please leave a comment either on this article or on the video so I can learn from my mistakes and get better over time.

You can find the video below or if reading more is your thing, then check out the Instructable for the project.

The final Gerber files for the PCB can be downloaded from the project page at PCBWay.

Components needed to assemble the board:

KiCad led RGB PCB
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