Extremely sturdy DIY pull-up bar

I made myself a pull-up bar in my home office so I can exercise while I work.
May 05, 2021 — 2 mins read — Workshop

Extremely sturdy DIY pull-up bar

Ever since the lockdowns started, I stopped going to the gym.

After a while, I noticed that I started to lose some of the strength that I had and as the months in isolation passed by, I started to gain weight.

Determined to do something about this, I started to exercise at home and periodically ride my bicycle, but for some reason, I always missed the pull-up bar from the gym.

And to be honest, I'm not able to do a lot of pull-ups but they do feel good.

So, I bought some steel, gathered the tools, and on a weekend, I made myself a pull-up bar that is now permanently mounted in my home office.

Feel free to check the video of the making of the pullup bar in the video below.

Tools and materials used in the video:

exercise metalworking self-improvement home improvement project welding
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