I made WLED Christmas lights for my garage door

By using a NodeMCU board that is flashed with the WLED firmware, I was able to quickly create a Christmas decoration for my garage door.
Dec 23, 2022 — 1 min read — Electronics

I made WLED Christmas lights for my garage door

I'm not a Christmas person but, hey, it's that time of the year again and some decorations are a must.

In order to justify the time spent decorating, I wanted to make a special decoration that will be well worth the time so I decide to use the occasion and try a custom firmware for the NodeMCU called WLED. The entire project is assembled on a custom PCB that is manufactured by PCBWay.

You can see all of the project details in the video below.

Tools and materials used in the video:

The WLED firmware can be found here.

led RGB wled nodemcu
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