Making a grappling hook

Yes, I do want to be Batman ?
Oct 07, 2020 — 1 min read — Workshop

Making a grappling hook

When I bought my new welder for the workshop I needed a project so I can test it out and make a review on it for my YouTube channel.

Since I wanted to make a grappling hook for a long time this was the perfect time.

The hook is made out of three pieces of 50cm construction rebar that are cut to the same length and with a metal bender, they are bent outwards at about 20cm.

The pieces are then welded together in the center and a small loop is also welded on the top so a rope can be tied through it.

The project took me about an hour to make and I'm really pleased with the results.

As for the welder review, I'm surprised at the power that this thing have. I was welding with 2.5mm 6013 welding rods and it went through them like butter. The welds are nice and strong and the machine is a pleasure to work with.

If you are interested to find out more, be sure to check the video above.

diy self-improvement project tools welding
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